Generation Z: A Force That Cannot Be Ignored in Kenya


In recent weeks, Kenya has witnessed a remarkable uprising led by its youngest demographic, Generation Z, who have taken to the streets in mass protests against the Finance Bill 2024. These demonstrations have proven to be more than just fleeting moments of dissent; they are a clear message to the government that the voices of the youth cannot be dismissed. While some leaders initially underestimated their influence, President William Ruto has recognized their significance and has vowed to engage with them. This shift is not merely a reaction to protests but an acknowledgment of a broader societal transformation.

Generation Z, now entering the workforce in significant numbers, is driving change not only in the political arena but also in the corporate world. Their so-called “unreasonable” demands are being met not out of obligation but necessity. The corporate world, understanding that it cannot afford to alienate an entire generation, is adapting rapidly. Consulting firms like Edelman are stepping in as “Gen Z whisperers,” helping companies align with the values and expectations of young employees and customers. This shift is a testament to the power and influence of Generation Z.

Companies today are under pressure from multiple fronts: young activists within their ranks, investor demands for ethical practices, and customer expectations for corporate social responsibility. The market has shown that firms which take a stand on social issues often fare better. For example, companies that quickly pulled out of Russia after its invasion of Ukraine saw better market performance compared to those that hesitated. This trend underscores a significant shift in corporate signaling that reflects broader societal changes.

In Kenya, the youth-led protests against the Finance Bill are a microcosm of this global phenomenon. Young Kenyans are using social media platforms like TikTok to amplify their message, turning what started as online dissent into powerful street protests. This generation’s adept use of digital tools has made their activism more visible and impactful, showcasing their ability to mobilize and influence public opinion.

President Ruto’s response to these protests is indicative of a government that is beginning to understand the importance of engaging with its youth. His promise to address their concerns and include them in discussions about the nation’s future is a step in the right direction. The Finance Bill protests highlight that the youth are not just demanding change but are also offering to be part of the solution.

This movement is not isolated to Kenya. Across the world, Generation Z is pushing for social justice, environmental sustainability, and corporate accountability. Their activism is reshaping how companies and governments operate. The Financial Times recently reported on the rise of advisers who help businesses adapt to the values of young employees and customers. This adaptation is not just about meeting demands but about aligning with a significant cultural shift.

Critics of “woke capitalism” argue from both ends of the spectrum. Some activists see corporate social responsibility as mere lip service, while others claim it detracts from business profitability. However, these criticisms miss the larger picture. The corporate world’s shift towards more socially liberal practices is a reflection of changing societal values. Companies that align themselves with these values are more likely to attract both talent and customers.

In the broader context, societal attitudes have shifted dramatically over the past few decades. Issues once considered controversial, such as homosexuality, casual sex, and gender roles, have become normalized. This change is particularly evident among younger generations who are leading the charge for a more inclusive and just society.

Generation Z’s activism, whether in the streets of Nairobi or through global social media campaigns, is a powerful reminder that the youth are a force to be reckoned with. They are not just participants in the political process but are shaping the future of their countries. Their influence extends beyond protests and into the very fabric of society, driving change in corporate practices, governmental policies, and cultural norms.

As Kenya navigates the challenges and opportunities of the future, it is clear that Generation Z will play a crucial role. Their voices, demanding justice, equality, and accountability, cannot be ignored. They are not just the future; they are the present, and their impact is already being felt across all sectors of society.

Source: capitalfm