Football fan regrets tattooing Messi’s name on face


A Colombian football fan, Mike Jambs, who got Lionel Messi’s name tattooed on his face after Argentina’s World Cup triumph has regretted his actions.

Jambs had his face tattooed following Argentina’s triumph at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar in December.

The influencer had earlier defended his decision against coming under fire when he posted a video of himself having the tattoo done.

“I’m not harming anyone. I’m not doing anything illegal,” he insisted.

However, Jambs is now claiming that his action has brought ‘negative things’ to his life

He wrote on Instagram, “I regret having done the tattoo because instead of bringing me positive things, it’s led to lots of negative things, both personally and for my family.

“I didn’t think I’d be saying this so soon and I felt very proud of what I’d done in the first few days, but I now wish I hadn’t done it.”