Caledonia seeks new gold deposits at Bubi lease


CALEDONIA Mining Corporation says it intends to undertake an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) exercise ahead of the commencement of exploration activities at the firm’s Motapa mining lease in Bubi District, Matabeleland North Province.

The Jersey-based group, through its wholly subsidiary Arraskar Investments P/L, holds the title to the Motapa gold claim, adjacent to the Bilboes Gold Limited, another gold asset the company acquired last year in a US$53,5 million deal.

Caledonia said it planned to conduct exploration activities for gold at Motapa, which covers 2 224 hectares. The company has since invited affected stakeholders to make submissions, comments and objections on the project.

“To this end, Caledonia has engaged Griynova Environmental Consultancy to conduct the ESIA for this proposed exploration project in terms of the Environmental Management Agency.

“In accordance with the provisions of the said Act, read in conjunction with Statutory Instrument 7 of 2007, Environmental Impact Assessment and Ecosystems Protection Regulations, notice is hereby given to all interested and affected parties for invitation of submissions, comments, and objections on the project,” said Caledonia in a public notice.

The submissions seek to facilitate engagement with relevant stakeholders and ensure broad-based participation in the project.

Interested and affected stakeholders are required to give input on the proposed project from today until July 6, 2023.

Caledonia, which is angling to be a multi-asset gold producer in Zimbabwe, also owns the gold-rich Blanket Mine in Gwanda, Matabeleland South province.

In 2021, the mining group bought the Maligreen Goldfields in Gweru, Midlands province for about US$4 million.