MINUSMA Set To Leave Northern Mali, Enters New Phase Amid Crisis


The United Nation’s peacekeeping mission has call for move to pull out of Mali by december 31 after weeks of conflicts resolution.

It was gathered that the group completed its withdrawal from Tessalit on October 22nd, then from Aguelhoc the next day.

Analyst Ali Tounkara, explains  that armed actors fight for control of evacuated Minusma camps.

“The speed with which the UN mission’s compound in Aguelhoc was ransacked by armed men shows just how strategic this locality remains for the signatory movements of the peace and reconciliation agreement, as well as for violent radical groups,” the Executive Director of Center for Security and Strategic Studies in the Sahel said.

Some of the signatories of the 2015 Algiers accords have taken arms again against Mali’s central government, ramping up attacks against the army just like Al-Qaida affiliated groups.

Minusma seeks to avoid being caught in the crossfire but it has also suffered attacks. According to the mission, some of its convoys were attacked with explosive devices, resulting in injuries. Terrorist group GSIM claimed responsibility.

A truck driver was seriously wounded and two others slightly injured on Thursday (Oct. 26) when gunmen opened fire on a logistics convoy from Ansongo, another camp to be evacuated, the mission reported.

“As far as the State of Mali is concerned, there is no ambiguity today between the movements that signed the agreement (Tuareg rebels) and the armed terrorist groups, which are evolving together. As a result, the various communiqués issued by the State of Mali make no attempt to distinguish between the armed movements (signatories to the peace agreement) and the terrorist groups,” Dr. Tounkara explained.

Mali’s government has accused the Minusma of “leaving free hand” to terrorists as the mission expediates its withdrawal.