The Silent Struggle: Insights into Living with an Eating Disorder during the Holy Month of Ramadan


The beginning of Ramadan usually brings about a flurry of excitement—family gatherings, delectable dishes, and an opportunity to deepen one’s connection with God. But for me, it is a starkly different experience. It is when the weight of stress seems to intensify. My relationship with my weight has always been tumultuous, sullied by incessant teasing and criticism from my family. Their words cut deep, chipping away at my self-esteem. At the tender age of 13, I was engulfed by a wave of sickness that culminated in an episode of vomiting. Strangely, amidst the discomfort, I found a peculiar sense of relief. It dawned on me that if I overindulged, I could simply purge and feel better. Initially sporadic, it soon evolved into a distressing routine: monthly, then weekly, until it became a daily ritual. The pounds melted away, drawing praise from a family member who remarked on my newfound slimness, comparing it to my former protruding belly. The turning point in my battle against bulimia came during a pivotal psychology lecture in college. Bulimia nervosa, as outlined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), involves recurrent episodes…

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The post The Silent Struggle: Insights into Living with an Eating Disorder during the Holy Month of Ramadan first appeared on Egyptian Streets.

Source: egyptianstreets