How Egypt Eradicated Hepatitis C in Just Over a Decade


In a historic milestone, Egypt has become the first country worldwide to attain WHO Gold tier certification on the path to eliminating hepatitis C (HCV), once the third-highest leading cause of death in the country. Egyptian governmental efforts over the decades have led to a significant reduction in incidence rates, the latest of which was the 100 Healthy Lives Campaign.  The nationwide campaign, which involved extensive testing and free treatment, has dramatically reduced the prevalence of hepatitis C from 10 percent in 2016 to 0.38 percent in 2022. What is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a viral infection that primarily affects the liver. It causes inflammation and can potentially lead to serious hepatic damage. The virus is typically spread through contact with infected blood, often due to unsafe medical practices such as improper sterilization of medical equipment or through intravenous drug use. Many individuals infected with hepatitis C may not exhibit symptoms for years, allowing the virus to spread silently. However, chronic hepatitis C infection can eventually result in severe liver complications, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. Extensive public health efforts, including widespread testing and treatment initiatives, have earned Egypt…

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Source: egyptianstreets