Hieroglyphics, Camels, and Cats: The Hilarious Misconceptions Westerners Have About Egypt


Ah, the wonders of the Western world and their fascinating perceptions of Egypt. As a journalist, I’ve had the privilege of hearing some truly remarkable tales from Egyptian students who’ve ventured abroad, only to be met with a delightful array of misconceptions about their homeland.  Prepare to be thoroughly entertained, dear readers, as we dive into the most absurd and downright comical things Westerners have said about the land of the Nile. Let’s start with the classic: reading hieroglyphics. Some Americans believe that all Egyptians possess this skill as casually as brushing their teeth. I was bewildered by this notion, as one guy thought we Egyptians could just read hieroglyphics every day. It was as if he expected me to whip out a chisel and start carving on the nearest wall.  And the misconceptions don’t stop there. Camels and horses seem to be the preferred mode of transportation for Westerners when it comes to Egypt. Hussein El Rayes, 28, a banker, recounts, “An American asked me if the song ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’ was our national anthem. I couldn’t believe it —he also thought we were all still dressed like…

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Source: egyptianstreets