Tonto Dikeh brags, acclaimed herself “Most controversial person on earth”


Popular actress Tonto Dikeh has demonstrated she isn’t one to decrease into a shell when tagged with disagreement.

Speaking on a show, in a brief video posted via her Instagram page, the movie star thanked the organiser for the opportunity given to her to appear on the show as she proudly introduced herself as ‘King Tonto’ while bragging about being the most ‘controversial’ human on earth.

Tonto said: “Thank you very much for having me, everybody. My name is King Tonto and I’m probably one of the most controversial people on earth….proudly!”

Dikeh, protecting her viewpoint on why she has totally taken up her controversial identity, noted she has discovered to use it to her advantage in expanding herself in every way and for her utmost fulfillment.

“And the only reason why I can be proud of it is because, I’m not fighting it. I’m using it for my advantage. I’m using it for my growth. I’m using it for my satisfaction,” she said.