Ini Edo: Girl child is not respected and adored in Africa


Nollywood actress, Ini Edo, said girls have no place and value in Africa, as she weighs in on the international celebration of female children yesterday.

The International Day of the Girl Child, held every 11th of October, is concentrated on celebrating and educating the girl child about her opportunities in the world.

Speaking about the area of the girl child in the nation, Edo took to her Instagram page to contend that girls are not actually respected in Africa.

The actress said:

“On this 11th day, nine years ago, the United Nations realised it was necessary to recognise the girl child.

“It has been of great honour for the girl child to have a day to be marked and celebrated, but so far, have they really been celebrated and valued in Africa?

“Another question to be asked. Religiously, we understand that all men are equal but in Africa, women aren’t anywhere close to being equal.

“The girl child is the mother of all children, but in Africa, the girl child has no place and value.

“We can only move forward by carrying the girl child along. Our society can only be a better place when the girl child can stand, represent and speak up for her people.

“Today, I celebrate with all the girl children. It is our day, it is our time. Never relent in your pursuit in all that you do.

“We are getting there, and we will be there God-willing. Happy Girl Child Day.”