Egypt Inaugurates First of its Kind Government Data and Cloud Computing Center


Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi unveiled Egypt’s first government data and cloud computing center on Sunday 28 April, situated along the Ain Sokhna highway.  The inauguration ceremony emphasized Egypt’s commitment to embracing digital transformation and leveraging the potential of data-driven decision-making. The state-of-the-art center covers an expansive area of 23,500 square meters, with 10,000 square meters dedicated to current infrastructure and the remaining space reserved for future expansions.  The center serves as a central repository for all ministry data, ensuring enhanced security measures against cyber threats. President El-Sisi highlighted the substantial investments made by the state to establish this cutting-edge facility, stressing its pivotal role in propelling Egypt towards comprehensive modernization in an ever-evolving global landscape.  The government data and cloud computing center will facilitate the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology across government operations, offering AI and data analysis applications for decision-making at all levels.  Furthermore, the center will function as a centralized national data and disaster recovery center, ensuring self-management, operational efficiency, and privacy for crucial projects.  By harnessing the power of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data analysis, the center empowers government agencies to make informed decisions,…

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Source: egyptianstreets