Egypt Launches Pioneering Data and Cloud Computing Center to Propel Digital Transformation


Egypt launched its biggest Data and Cloud Computing Center (P1) on 28 April on the Ain Sokhna highway, establishing a pioneering hub for large-scale data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) in Egypt and North Africa.  “Egypt used to store its data abroad at great cost, but now it is able to localize its data on its territory,” according to Egyptian President, al-Sisi.  P1 aims to achieve three main objectives; digital transformation, digital capacity building, and support for digital innovation. This encompasses streamlining processes, conserving resources, and fostering fresh avenues for investment. The center leverages fiber optic networks or 4G and 5G technologies from the national network to aggregate data. It utilizes AI platforms, big data analysis, and data processing to present the information in a usable format, providing indicators to improve workflow within government institutions or offer recommendations for decision-makers. “P1 was established with the participation of more than 15 local and international companies, and more than 1,200 engineers and workers, with a work capacity exceeding 5,000 working hours, on an area of ​​23,500 square meters,” according to Amr Farouk, engineer, and P1 project manager. “Easy and accessible services could…

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Source: egyptianstreets