Egyptian Kickbox Coach Arrested Over Harassment Charges


  Egyptian security services have arrested a famous kickboxing coach for allegedly harassing and assaulting underage girls at a gym in New Cairo’s Fifth Settlement area, local media reports on Thursday, 13 June. The Cairo Security Directorate received reports claiming that a well-known kickboxing coach had assaulted and harassed multiple underage girls at a gym under the Fifth Settlement Police Department’s authority. One of the girls informed the investigating authorities that the accused intimidates girls attempting to leave training, exerting pressure to prevent them from reporting his actions. The actions  include subjecting them to harassment and forceful touching during training sessions. Several women have bravely spoken out during investigations and online, particularly through the digital feminist platform SpeakUp, revealing the misconduct they experienced from the kickboxing coach during training, which includes, indecent assault, and attempts to threaten them. In recent years, Egypt has seen a rise in femicide and blackmail incidents. Last year, three femicide cases shook the nation within a mere week. More recently, the ‘New Cairo Slaughterer’ was arrested, as he had brutally killed at least three women whose bodies were discovered near the city of Port Said,…

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The post Egyptian Kickbox Coach Arrested Over Harassment Charges first appeared on Egyptian Streets.

Source: egyptianstreets