Fairuz: A Musical Bridge Between Generations of Arab Immigrants


  Fairuz’s voice was not simply a mere melody, nor a passive carrier of lyrics. For her, singing was a deeper yearning — a human quest — to grasp the very essence of being. As she sings in her famously known song, Aateny El Nay We Ghanny (Give me the Flute and Sing), “singing is the secret of existence, and the sound of the flute remains after the end of existence.“ On a first listen, the richness of her voice alone can drown out everything else, creating a sonic cocoon where only her song exists. Yet, with each closer listen, the beauty of her poetic lyrics unlocks a new layer of depth to her music. She was more than just a singer; she was a healer, a poet, cultural icon, a dreamer, and most certainly, a channel through which the very soul of Arab art flowed. Fairuz’s music transcends generations for Arab immigrants. Her timeless melodies intertwine with Arab literature, drawing upon the works of countless writers and poets who came before her. This fusion, for many young Arabs living away from their homeland, can often be the only thread…

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The post Fairuz: A Musical Bridge Between Generations of Arab Immigrants first appeared on Egyptian Streets.

Source: egyptianstreets