How Egyptian Cuisine Can Follow Lebanese Footsteps on the Global Stage


  Certain meals are made for quick consumption, branding, and profit. Meanwhile, others are meant for sharing around a table with loved ones, and creating subtle moments of joy, grace and comfort throughout the day. Inequalities can take various forms and shapes in our world, from segregated homes to bridges that divide cities and towns. Yet there is also another kind of division worth noting: how food is consumed and produced. In one realm, food is neatly packaged in supermarkets, adorned with labels, and owned by big corporations. In another realm, food journeys from the farm directly to someone’s home, where it is lovingly prepared by people’s own hands. In an era where international brands are slowly fading in importance and food costs are soaring from a heavy reliance on imports, there is a growing desire to showcase local and homemade cuisine on a global scale. The question, then, is how can we expand the appeal of traditional and homemade dishes to engage wider audiences? The unique charm of Egyptian cuisine  Traveling deep into Egypt’s countryside, the quiet and serene landscape of the green farmland contrasts with the lively laughter…

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The post How Egyptian Cuisine Can Follow Lebanese Footsteps on the Global Stage first appeared on Egyptian Streets.

Source: egyptianstreets