Egyptian Food Bank Launches Mobile Kitchens To Distribute Ready Meals


The Egyptian Food Bank (EFB) announced the launch of “Tekeya Al-Mahrosa,” a mobile kitchen to distribute free, daily, hot meals in Egyptian streets. This is a part of the EFB’s Tekeya program to meet the nutritional needs of the impoverished and needy and improve the quality of life for individuals struggling financially or with food security. Such individuals include breadwinning women, elders, disabled individuals, migrant students, and travelers in need. “The strategy of the Egyptian Food Bank is to diversify activities and programs related to the issue of food and providing the necessary healthy food for the deserving regardless of their categories,” CEO of EFB, Mohsen Sarhan stated. “We are also relying on the capabilities of the Food Bank and its database that includes many beneficiaries and volunteer teams to contribute.” The concept of Tekeya dates back to the Ottoman era. Muhammad Ali, the Ottoman ruler and viceroy of Egypt, established a mobile kitchen in 1823, called Tekeya, in the Hijaz, specifically in Mecca and Medina. Many of the needy in Mecca relied on what the Tekeya provided throughout the year, and more so during the month of Ramadan. The…

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Source: egyptianstreets