The Shifting Work Ethics of Egyptians Across Generations


In Egyptian culture, traditional values of loyalty and dedication to one’s career still hold strong, particularly among older generations. However, younger Egyptians, like their global counterparts, may prioritize work-life balance and personal fulfillment.  Economic conditions, job availability, unemployment rates, and job market dynamics significantly influence people’s perspectives on work and careers. Consequently, workers in the 80s or the 90s had a different experience from workers in 2020. “Generations born between 1946 and 1980 have the mentality of: If you work really hard, you’ll get a great lifestyle in return,” according to Harriet Minter, journalist, and author of the book, ‘WFH (Work from Home): How to Build a Career You Love When You’re Not in the Office’ (2021). Minter explains that older generations “could pay for foreign holidays and buy their own homes,” but with the increasing cost of living and rising house prices, the younger generation of workers realizes that work cannot provide that lifestyle anymore. Egyptians in their fifties, or older, were raised at a time when long-term employment with a single company was the norm, thus they prioritized job stability for security. For them, going the extra mile…

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Source: egyptianstreets