Uber Egypt Requests Access to Drivers’ Criminal Records Following Violence Against Women


Uber’s Head of Public Policy and Government Relations for Uber in North Africa and the Middle East, Ahmed Aly, met with members of the Egyptian Parliament on 22 May to appeal for access by Uber Egypt to drivers’ criminal records. Aly’s request, which occurred during a hearing with the parliament’s Communications and Information Technology Committee, comes following a recent streak of violence against women by Uber drivers – sparking nationwide controversy over the safety of ride-hailing apps in Egypt. The session also included officials from the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Uber, and the Ministry of Transport, according to state media Ahram Online, who reported on the event. “Aly stated that the committee had recommended in March that the company check the criminal records of their drivers. However, Uber has been unable to implement the recommendation due to the lack of access to an official database to verify the drivers’ information,” the report reads. The Uber representative also highlighted the company’s immediate on-ground efforts on 25 February after Uber user Habiba El-Shamaa jumped from a moving vehicle out of fear of being kidnapped – falling head first on the pavement. Aly…

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Source: egyptianstreets