Campus time: Ghetto Kid Patricia picks journalism course


The new academic year for universities and colleges is here, and Ghetto Kid sensation Patricia Nabakooza is all set and excited.

The 20-year-old will be joining the university this year to pursue a course in Journalism. Nbakooza made the revelation yesterday, Wednesday, August 23, on the sidelines of a press conference for her group’s upcoming concert.

“I will be doing Journalism, Media and Mass Communication,” she announced.

Asked about the choice, the talented dancer and drama actress who has lived nearly her entire life in the media limelight, said she thought of “crossing over to the other side” of the cameras.

“And I have the passion,” she added.

Nabakooza however, would not confirm which institution she will be joining yet, in fear of media backlash in case she changes her mind.

“I will communicate that in the near future; I don’t want to tell you something that is not concrete yet,” she said.

“But it doesn’t matter where I am going as long as I get the foundation that I need.”

Nabakooza completed her Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) last year at Uganda Martyrs SS Lubaga.