Nigerian Cross-dresser Files Notice Of Appeal, Challenges Conviction


Controversial cross-dresser and socialite, Idris Olanrewaju Okuneye aka Bobrisky. has filed a notice of appeal challenging his conviction on a four-count charge of naira abuse.

In his Notice of Appeal filed by his lawyer, Bimbo Kusanu, Bobrisky is asking the court to set aside the 6 months imprisonment sentence imposed on him and replace same with the option of a fine of N50,000 on each of the counts against him.

In his Notice of Appeal, however, the appellant stated that the trial court imposed the maximum sentence on him despite having no previous record criminal of conviction and when there were options to impose a lesser sentence by the provisions of the ACJA.

He submitted that the sentence imposed by the trial court is punitive contrary to the mandatory provisions of the ACJA on sentencing.