Algerian Labour Minister Gets Sacked, Reasons Unknown


Algerian Employment Minister, Ahmed Youcef, 64, has been sacked. Reasons for the move remains unknown.

The President of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune made this move yesterday and immediately named an interim replacement, Kaoutar Krikou who is already the national solidarity minister.

The Presidency made this known via a statement published by the official APS Agency.

“Today signed a decree ending Youcef’s tenure as works, labour, employment and social security minister,” the presidency said in the statement.

It is apt to note that the sacked minister was named to the post in January as part of Tebboune’s first government since his December 2019 election. He was reappointed during a government reshuffle in June that saw the energy and finance ministers replaced — two of the key sectors in Algeria’s economy.


Photo Source: MiddleEast Monitor