Angola Economic Commission Approves New Remuneration Structure


The Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers approved on Tuesday the roadmap for the implementation of the New Remuneration Architecture of Public Administration (RINAR).

The aim is to harmonise and strengthen the rules and practices of public bodies on salaries and other benefits due to civil servants and administrative staff in relation to the work performed.

The Angolan Executive intends, through this roadmap, to make the remuneration of the Civil Service fairer and more transparent, thus ensuring greater administrative efficiency and improvement of the quality of public services provided to citizens and, consequently, the valorization and motivation of human capital in Public Administration.

According to the document approved in a session guided by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, the Executive intends to define clear criteria for salary increases based on the economic context, the attribution to the civil servant of a competitive remuneration, based on performance, competence and experience.

The initiative foresees the establishment of a non-cash benefits plan, attractive with an impact on the disposable income of these employees and the clear communication of remuneration structures, to avoid hidden inequalities and generate a feeling of salary fairness.

On the same occasion, the Economic Commission assessed the National Agenda for Employment, a document that establishes the guidelines for the coordinated action of the different actors, both public and private, in the field of promoting employment and the prospect of reducing the unemployment rate in the national economy.

The agenda envisages to bridge the imbalance between the demand and supply of labor, as well as promoting the improvement of the redistribution of national income and the reduction of regional asymmetries.

In this regard, the Commission recommends that the provincial governors be consulted in order to obtain more contributions to aforementioned document.