FG to partner Chinese firm on renewable energy


The Federal Government said it is set to partner with the Peoples Republic of China on the development of a renewable energy research center that will boost renewable energy technology in some selected Nigerian Universities.

The proposed partnership between the Chinese firm and Nigerian Universities is expected to build and upgrade centres of excellence in renewable energy technologies which include; ( Green Energy- Solar, Wind, Hydro, Bio-energy, Energy efficiency and management).

At a courtesy call to the Ministry today in Abuja, the Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation, Barr. Mohammed Abdullahi said that prior to the Chinese engagement; FMST had an ongoing discussion regarding Engineering Co-orporation, to have MoU particularly in the areas of exchange of knowledge, ideas, equipment and learning problems with some selected Universities in the country focusing on technology.

The Minister also received on behalf of the Ministry a donation of Solar Panel Equipments from the department of Commerce of Yunan Province and Kunming Engineering Corporation Ltd of the People’s Republic of China.

Barr. Abdullahi also stated that the support received from China is going to help to stem the tide of Urban Rural Migration, as lack of power is the major problem in rural areas.

He further stated that FMSTI will appoint a Committee to look at the process of selecting beneficiaries in the rural areas to see how they can be deployed.

The country representative of Power China in Nigeria, Ji Yuxin said that the donation is in line with promoting green technology in rural communities and is a part of the “Belt and road initiative”.

He added that the donation is a project that aims to provide the solution of electricity shortages in rural areas where the national grid is not accessible.