Kenyan Police Arrival Marks A New Era For Security In Haiti, PM Tells UN Council


Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille on Wednesday told the U.N. Security Council that the arrival of the first contingent of Kenyan police officers under a U.N.-backed mission marked a critical stage in restoring security in a country ravaged by gang violence.

“The arrival of the first contingent of the Multinational Security Support kicks off a new era in Haiti,” Conille told diplomats in New York.

“Haiti is currently at a critical point with 12,000 armed individuals holding a population of 12 million hostages.”

Over 200 Kenyan police arrived in Haiti last week as part of the long-delayed mission mandated to help national police fight armed gangs that have taken over most of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince – fueling a humanitarian crisis that has driven nearly 600,000 from their homes and 5 million into severe food insecurity.

The full force is set to number over 2,500, but it remains unclear when these could arrive, while funding has lagged far behind requirements.

Haiti’s outgunned and under-resourced police, meanwhile, counted just over 12,000 officers at the end of May – down 1,000 since the start of the year – according to a report by the U.N. Integrated Mission in Haiti (BINUH).

Neighbouring Dominican Republic’s Foreign Minister Roberto Alvarez in the meeting made “an urgent appeal to all countries that have committed funding to the MSS to fulfil their pledges and to deposit those funds as soon as possible,” referring to the Multinational Security Support by its acronym.

Without substantial additional funding, BINUH said, the mission will be unable to complete a 12-month deployment, whose initial mandate ends in October.

BINUH also warned that more clashes between police and gangs meant that more civilians, including very young children, were being killed by stray bullets and it had reports of police summarily killing passers-by.

He said gangs are also recruiting and arming more children in preparation for the MSS deployment, warning that it was difficult to identify the ages of those killed or injured in clashes.

Conille said reforming the national police, whose chief he replaced shortly after coming to power last month, was “indispensable” for restoring public trust.

Kenya’s U.N. deputy envoy Njambi Kinyungu said the first contingent had been warmly received and was beginning joint operations with Haitian police.