Man gets life Imprisonment for defiling Daughter


The Madadeni regional court in KwaZulu-Natal has entenced a 48-year-old man who raped his daughter on several occasions to life imprisonment on Thursday.

The girl, who was raped in 2014 and 2015, was just nine years old at the time. Years later, she became ill and discovered that she was HIV-positive.

“This was a shock to her as she had never had sexual intercourse with anyone apart from the rape incidents by her father. She revealed the rape to her sister and their father was subsequently arrested,” National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Natasha Ramkisson-Kara said.

In court, prosecutor Eddie Mbewu led the testimonies of the girl, her sister and a medical doctor. Mbewu also submitted a victim impact statement to the court, compiled by the girl and facilitated by the court preparation officer, Sthembile Cebekhulu.

In her statement, the girl said that she is now fearful of men and is still haunted by the incidents.

Ramkisson-Kara added that the girl finds it difficult to cope with the thought that her biological father raped and infected her with HIV.

By Feranmi Okuku