World Bank lists Nigeria among 10 countries with high debt risk exposure


According to the World Bank, Nigeria is among the top 10 countries with high debt risk exposure.

This was revealed in the financial statement for International Development Association (IDA), which was among the World Bank FY21 audited financial statements released on Monday, August 9.

Nigeria was rated fifth on the list with $11.7bn IDA debt stock. India is on the top of the list with $22bn IDA debt stock, followed by Bangladesh with $18.1bn IDA debt stock, Pakistan with $16.4bn IDA debt stock, and Vietnam with $14.1bn IDA debt stock.

Other countries on the list include Ethiopia at number 6 with $11.2bn IDA debt stock, Kenya with $10.2bn IDA debt stock, Tanzania with $8.3bn IDA debt stock, Ghana with $5.6bn IDA debt stock, and Uganda with $4.4bn IDA debt stock.

According to the financial statement for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Nigeria has a total of $589m undisbursed balance, consisting of $500m loans approved but not yet signed and $89m signed loan commitment.

The financial statement for IDA revealed that Nigeria had a total undisbursed balance of $8.07bn, consisting of $1.462bn loans approved but not yet signed and $6.61bn signed loan commitment.

The financial statement for IBRD disclosed that although certain amount of loans has been agreed “the loans are not effective and disbursements do not start until the borrowers and/or guarantors take certain actions and furnish documents”.

A total of $1bn loans were agreed between Nigeria and the World bank’s IBRD, of which Nigeria’s outstanding loan is $411m.

For IDA, a total of $19.54bn loans were agreed upon, of which Nigeria’s outstanding loan is $11.47bn.

The Debt Management Office stated that Nigeria owes the World Bank a total of $11.51bn, consisting of $11.10bn IDA loans and $410.23m IBRD loans as of March 31.