Family demands justice as patient killed at KNH, Gilbert Kinyua, is laid to rest


NYERI, Kenya Mar 15 – A patient who was murdered by an unknown assailant while admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital was laid to rest on Friday in an emotional burial at Kibutio Village in Mukurweini Constituency, Nyeri County.

Gilbert Kinyua was found dead with his throat slit in his hospital bed, in a shocking and unprecedented murder that has stunned the nation.

During the burial, mourners called for justice for Kinyua, as the assailant remains at large despite both the hospital and the police claiming they are investigating the crime.

Mukurweini MP John Kaguchia called for the government to compensate the family, stating that it is highly unusual for such a murder to take place in a government facility.

“As a community, we demand compensation. The deceased was in a government facility with maximum security, so the government is to blame for his death. They were demanding that we pay the bills, but we will not. It is unacceptable for patients to be unsafe in hospitals,” said Kaguchia.

Relatives of Kinyua told the media that the police investigation has yielded no results, and they are demanding justice for their loved one.

Kaguchia also called for the recall of Kenyan police officers serving in war-torn Haiti, saying it is wrong for Kenyans to foot the bill for their upkeep while suffering at home.

” 2.5 billion Shillings has been allocated in this year’s budget for their upkeep. If the USA, has said it will not cover their bill, why is the State subjecting Kenyans to such a burden, especially when accessing basic health provisions are a challenge,” said the Mukurweini MP.

Source: capitalfm