No confirmed cholera outbreak in Nasarawa, says commissioner


Dr Gaza Gwamna, Nasarawa State Commissioner for Health, said there are no confirmed cases of cholera outbreak in the state.

The commissioner made the disclosure at a press conference in Akwanga Local Government Area (LGA) on Monday.

Gwamna however said that 29 suspected cases of cholera were recorded in two out of the 13 LGAs of the state.

The commissioner revealed that 19 suspected cases were recorded in Kokona and 10 in Nassarawa-Eggon LGAs with one mortality case recorded.

“The cases at the moment are still suspected and even the person that died in Nassarawa-Eggon was not confirm, but a suspected case before his death,” he added.

He said that the suspected cases were undergoing medical checks to know their status.

The commissioner said that because of the outbreak in some states, the ministry had taken measures to prevent it before it occurred.

He explained that the outbreak of cholera normally happens around this time of the year because heavy dawn pours usually lead to contamination of water sources that people use.

Gwamna said that already sensitisation had been step up in collaboration with traditional rulers and other stakeholders to educate the people to improve hygiene and ensure regular sanitation.

The commissioner added that the state has deployed Disease Surveillance Officers to every electoral ward across the 13 LGAs of the state.

He noted that the Disease Surveillance Officers are responsible for reporting suspected cases based on the symptoms to the ministry for prompt action.

“They are expected to give reports of happenings in their areas on daily basis to enable the government take action in case of any outbreak,” the commissioner added.

Gwamna noted that the provision of quality and affordable healthcare services was one of the topmost priorities of the Gov. Abdullahi Sule-led administration.

He explained that the governor had approved the upgrading of four Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) to General Hospitals for improved services.

He listed the PHCs that were approved for upgrade to General Hospitals including PHC Assakyo in Lafia, Gudi in Akwanga, New Karu in Karu, and Azara in Awe LGA.
