Osimhen Blasts: My Goals Have Shut Critics Up


Super Eagles striker Victor Osimhen says his goals have shut his critics up, as he admits his career motivation is about proving people wrong.

The Napoli hitman is now regarded among the world’s best strikers.

But he recalled to Kortyeo: “When I arrived at Napoli there were people who said that I wouldn’t have scored even 4 goals because Serie A is very physical. And it’s like that but… When you tell me I can’t do something, even if I don’t know how to do it, I want to learn and challenge those people.

“Those who said certain things are now hiding.

“For me, Maradona is the greatest of all time, no one else will ever be able to do something comparable in Naples.”

On his serious facial injury, Osimhen added: “It was against Inter, the ball was arriving and I wanted to take it, the defender hit my face with his head and they had to operate on me. It was almost a fatal injury, I thank God that I’m still alive.”