Power shortages will end in 2023 – President Mnangagwa


Zimbabwean leader, President Mnangagwa asserted that power shortages will end in 2023, explaining that authorities will take extraordinary measures, including the removal of all barriers hindering investment in the energy sector, to ensure that Zimbabwe does not face severe power shortages next year.

This comes as top officials have said Zimbabweans can look forward to a bright Christmas as the country is expected to have enough electricity for the festive holidays due to the coming on stream of Hwange Unit 7, fresh power imports from Mozambique and reduced consumption from business and industry.

In his words:

“Extraordinary measures are needed and will be taken in the coming year. With the US$310 million, we now have to refurbish and replace old Generators 1 to 6 at Hwange, coupled with the coming on stream of Generators 7 and 8, early next year, we should see an appreciable improvement in power supply early in the coming year.

“We must now plan for our power generation and supply as if Kariba is discounted from our energy supply matrix, so we have at least 2 000 megawatts from non-hydro power sources. That way, we weather-proof our energy sector and with it, our whole Economy. I have already instructed Government to remove all and any entry barriers to new investments in the energy sector.”