16 Nigerians reportedly Shot Dead in Burkina Faso


The Jam’iyyatu Ansariddeen Attijaniyya of Nigeria announced that their adherents were alleged shot dead by Burkina Faso soldiers on their way to the home country of their leader, Sheikhul-islam Alhaji Ibrahim Niasse in Senegal.

Sayyidi Mohammad AlQasim Yahaya, national secretary of the movement, who disclosed this at a news conference on Sunday, February 5, 2023 in Abuja, also called for arrest and prosecution of all those behind the dastardly act.

According to him, report made available to the leadership of the movement in Nigeria indicated that the delegation of Nigerians in convoy of luxurious mini-buses on a fateful day were stopped by Burkinabe army on patrol and made to disembark from the buses, ‘randomly selected and cold-bloodedly shot to death in a most horrendous display of bestiality’.

Yahaya added that 16 of them were killed while some vehicles and their occupants are yet to be accouted for.

“Adherents of Tijjaniyya world-wide are known to regularly pay visit to the home-country of their leader, Sheikhul-Islam Alhaji Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaulahee particularly for conferences and Maulid celebrations. During such movements, convoys of vehicles from Nigeria used to travel through international borders to Kaolack, Senegal, traversing countries such as Niger, Burkina-Faso, and Mali.

“JAMAA, as a responsible and law-abiding organization, has made extensive efforts to ensure that the aggrieved relations and fellow faithful brothers of the victims remains patient and calm, while waiting for the response of the Nigerian Government in letting the world know that Nigerian lives matter and cannot just be wantonly terminated without requisite consequences.

“It is of note to lay emphasis on the extant laws that guaranteed the sanctity and inviolability of human lives, irrespective of their origin and creed. The African Charter on Human and People?s Rights (Ratification & Enforcement), Act Cap 10, 2004, is a law binding on African State Member Countries, including Burkina Faso, which has been wantonly violated in this case.

“While we patiently await the expedited action of the concerned Governments in Nigeria and Burkina Faso, as well as the United Nations and global human rights stakeholders, we appeal to all our teeming members in Nigeria and outside, to remain law abiding while we pursue the course of justice for the victims and their aggrieved families. All members and fellow Muslims are called upon to pray for the repose of the souls of the innocent victims,” Yahaya stated.

Meanwhile, the Fidau/special prayers to the victims will be held on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at the national headquarters, in Asokoro, Abuja.